Sunday, March 1, 2009

A cyclamen celebration

Even if you're not the field trip kind of person, this flower can reallybreak your heart. no need for haste though, the flowers will patientlywait for you until after april.
the cyclamen flower attracts the eye and heart not only because of itssize and colors but also because of the weird shape it has. the stemcarries the flowers bent on the upper edge, the opening between the petalsis always facing down.
whoever needs to enter through this entrance are its pollinators. to ease the recognition of the opening, the flower "signifies" the place of entry with a ring of deep purple, much darker a color then the rest of the petals. only a "fool of an insect" could not notice it.

Lisa Green,
Flower Cultivation UK

Here are great links about flowers : - Flower Directory and information on the web.

Florist Directory - Online florist and flower shop directory. - Provides information about flower directory and resource websites.

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